Life in Lockdown is a blog series initiated by Greenwich Dance which features community and professional artists close to the organisation sharing how they are staying creative during these isolating times.

John Darvell – Director, Choreographer, Educationalist and Community Dance Practitioner


Phew! Definitely a far more upbeat day it’s been. Yes, another busy round of paperwork, filming, Zoom meetings etc. Is it just me or are you envious of those individuals saying they’ve had time to learn a language, explored cooking new things and been able to clean out their lofts? My experience is so not that. I’m just swamped keeping afloat.

Thursdays are extra special. I’ve seen our dance family of adults online and outdoors, but tonight is my last session of the week with them.

Teaching adults is a real passion of mine. By now you might have realised that my own dance story isn’t your everyday tale. I first started dancing when I was 30 and then professionally trained when I was 38. So, when I’m working with others, in particular adults, I get a real buzz from that joint experience. It feels like I’m able to pass it forward after all those supportive teachers who nurtured me on my own journey.

A lot of this amazing bunch have been with me for years. I’ve seen some go and return after having children; gently encouraged some to perform; and all have blossomed into really creative individuals. They’ve been guests at our wedding drinks, saw me through difficult times like the passing of my parents and even been there when I’ve tried totally new experiences like teaching at MOVE IT.

When all our lives dramatically changed in March, I was terrified that it was all over. But I was thankfully wrong. The majority of them have embraced this new way of learning through pre-recorded and live video sessions. They’ve been the lifeblood of my company and I’m so very thankful for their support. So, over these challenging and troubled months, seeing their faces, being able to laugh and still run a good dance class for them, has been a moment of relief. Time in the day to feel just a little bit normal and that, yes, everything will be ok in the end. I’m a bit over Zoom photos so here is snapshot of just a small part of their journey.


